Departments » Pass/Grade Review System » General FAQ

General FAQ

Grades will not be taken for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. Comal ISD has adopted a “Pass/Grade Review” system used to promote students to the next grade level or award credits for graduation purposes.

Sufficient progress in the coursework, constituting the Student Self-Assessment Portfolio, shall be considered a passing grade.

When a student is unable or struggling to complete any work and not demonstrating sufficient progress in the course, teachers will communicate directly with students or parents to support and provide opportunities to earn a “pass.” If a student is unable to participate in the online platform, teachers may provide instruction via periodic phone calls and/or paper packets.

In the case that no communication occurred for the 4th nine-week cycle, and the teacher is, therefore, unable to review student progress, a student might earn a Grade Review.

In the event a student earns a Grade Review, this will be communicated in writing to the student and parent. The campus administrator, teacher, and parent/guardian will meet to discuss factors surrounding a student’s non-participation in the Residence Learning Program and work together to create a plan for the student to attain a “pass.”

No. While grades will not be given for individual assignments turned in during the Residence Learning Program, teachers may provide feedback to help students progress through the coursework.

No. Comal ISD will work with you and your child to provide instructional support. If a student is unable to participate in the online platform, teachers may provide instruction via periodic phone calls and/or paper packets.

Retention decisions will not be based on participation in the Residence Learning Program. When a student is unable or struggling to complete work and not demonstrating sufficient progress in the course, teachers will communicate directly with students or parents to support.

Coursework shall be given to monitor student progress toward mastery of the standards in each subject. Sufficient progress in the coursework for the 4th nine-weeks shall be considered a passing grade.

Depending on the course, material covered in the Residence Learning Program may be new or a review.