Health Services » SHAC - School Health Advisory Council

SHAC - School Health Advisory Council

Welcome to the Comal ISD School Health Advisory Council!

The mission of the Comal ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is to strengthen school and community health through Coordinated School Health efforts that support the Whole School, Whole Child, and Whole Community. 
Members consist of CISD parents, students, school personnel, and other community members. SHAC members collaborate with Campus SHACS (CSHACs), review Comal ISD coordinated school health programs and make improve the health and wellness of our Comal ISD community.
Join us for the next School Health Advisory Council Meeting:
DSHAC Subcommittee Meeting 1
Wednesday, October 16 · 11:30am – 1:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 336-790-8902‬ PIN: ‪370 627 417‬#
Meeting Information:
9/11/24: Agenda, Presentation, Meeting Minutes, Audio Recording
11/13/24: Agenda, Presentation, Meeting Minutes, Audio Recording
1/15/25: Agenda, Presentation, Meeting Minutes, Audio Recording
3/12/25: Agenda, Presentation, Meeting Minutes, Audio Recording
5/14/25: Agenda, Presentation, Meeting Minutes, Audio Recording

Resources for Campus SHACs: 

CSHAC Toolkit
Helpful SHAC Links: 
How do I get Involved?
Snack safe guide website: