School Age Child Care (SACC) » Contact Us

Contact Us

Name Email Phone Number
Bailie Olson (830) 221-2120
Doris Padilla (830) 221-2104
Nick Meisner  (830) 221-2116
Yuni Hooper (830) 221-2144
After School Program Site Leads 2024/2025
Name Email Position Phone Number
Alexis Estrada ASES Site Lead (830) 885-8702
John Medina BBES Site Lead (830) 885-1402
Christian Molina CCES Site Lead (830) 837-7702
Shelly Motyka CSES Site Lead (830) 837-7302
Jordan Torres FES Site Lead (830) 221-2702
Annalisa Garcia FSES Site Lead (830) 837-7602
Steven Ortiz GFES Site Lead (830) 221-2202
Matt Walker GRES Site Lead (830) 837-7002
Madison Murray HLES Site Lead (830) 221-2502
Amanda Mendoza ISES Site Lead (830) 885-9302
Kaylee Sandoval JRES Site Lead (830) 885-8602
Marissa Meisner  KRES Site Lead (830) 885-8902
Lizzie Espinosa MES Site Lead (830) 837-7102
Christian Cruz MVES Site Lead (830) 885-9502
Emily Cruz OCES Site Lead (830) 837-7202
Tammy Kollmansberger RBES Site Lead (830) 885-1602
Emily Bagley RCES Site Lead (830) 885-1802
Angela Contreras SES Site Lead (830) 885-1502
Emily Gavlick STZES Site Lead (830) 885-8002
Emma Casas TPES Site Lead (830) 885-8502
Summer Program 2024
Name Email Position Phone Number
John Medina BBES Site Lead (830) 885-1402
Matt Walker CCES Site Lead (830) 837-7702
Annalisa Garcia FSES Site Lead (830) 837-7602
Jennifer Quinata GFES Site Lead (830) 221-2202
Amanda Mendoza ISES Site Lead (830) 885-9302
Marissa Meisner  KRES Site Lead (830) 885-8902
The School Age Child Care Programs follow the guidelines and procedures of the District. All policies, staff, curriculum, accountability, and finances are all monitored by Comal ISD's Student Services Department. The program does not receive state or federal funds; School Age Child Care is self-funded. Salaries, supplies, and administrative expenses are supported entirely by registration fees and tuition.