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Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RTI)

According to RTI Action Network, Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavioral needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all students in the general education classroom. Comal ISD uses the following screening tools: Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) (K-12), mCLASS Amplify (K-2), MindPlay (7), among others. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning. Progress is closely monitored to assess both the learning rate and level of performance of individual students. Educational decisions about the intensity and duration of interventions are based on individual student response to instruction. This data is used to make ongoing instructional decisions to achieve maximum student progress. 


Using a multi-tiered approach allows campus RTI teams to determine the level of intervention the student needs based on data collected. High quality instruction is a component for all tiers. Tier I is based on grade level standards. Students who are unable to meet these standards might require targeted instruction at regular intervals to achieve mastery. When a teacher identifies a specific need, targets that need with a specific intervention, documents the student’s response to that intervention, and then adjusts based on student data, that is RTI Tiers II and III. The difference between Tier II and Tier III could be the level of intervention provided, the size of the educational gaps that exist, or the mode of intervention. 


When students are receiving documented interventions through the RTI process, there are several accommodations that can be made to assist the student in meeting grade level standards. When these eligible accommodations are routinely and effectively used in the classroom, students may use them on campus, district, and state level tests. Students who use these accommodations on assessments will have specific Designated Supports on file with the campus and a letter will be sent home informing parents of these supports.


Here are a few resources that may prove helpful for parents:

Learning Ally 

Texas State Library and Archives Commission’s Talking Books Program

The Dyslexia Handbook

SB 1153

Senate Bill 1153 states that parents of students who are receiving documented interventions through the RTI process shall be provided notice of those intervention strategies . The notice shall be written in the parent's native language (to the extent practicable). The parent notice shall include: a reasonable description of the assistance, an estimated duration, and the dates the child's progress will be recorded. You can access SB 1153 FAQs by clicking this link.

Linked here are copies of the parent notices that are sent out if a student receives documented interventions through RTI: 

Parent Notice of RTI

Aviso Para Padres de RTI

Important Note

A parent may request an evaluation through special education at any time, even if a student is not currently being served through RTI.