What are the key dates for this election?
- Last day to register to vote - April 6, 2023
- First day of early voting - April 24, 2023
- Last day of early voting - May 2, 2023
- Election day - May 6, 2023
What is a bond election?
How do bonds work?
How can bond funds be used?
With such a large and growing tax base, why is a bond necessary?
A growing tax base is directly related to the reason we need a bond. A big part of the reason we have a growing tax base is the increase in our student enrollment, new housing and commercial development that goes along with residential development.
School funding is divided into parts called funds: Maintenance and Operations Fund (M&O) that pays for the daily operations of the school district. The majority of this funding pays for teachers and other staff salaries. This funding does not cover the cost of building new schools, renovating existing schools and purchasing land for new school sites. The other part of school funding is: Debt Service Fund (Interest and Sinking or I&S) that pays for new facilities, land and other capital assets that are not funded by Maintenance and Operations.
A bond is the way for a school district to ask voters for approval to borrow money to build and renovate schools, purchase land and other capital assets that have a multi-year life and cost more than materials used for daily operations. This bond is repaid with the revenue collected in the Debt Service Fund.
What is the difference between a bond authorization and bond sales?
Under prop A category of safety and security the Emergency Operations Center will be a new building and where will it be located and the reason for it?
Why do we need outdoor WiFi?
Extending the Wi-Fi beyond the exterior of the building allows for several things. First, from a safety and security perspective, our law enforcement partners have access to our camera systems. Being able to access this system from outside of the building helps in case there is ever an issue where they need to be able to see inside the building. In addition, whenever the building is evacuated, teachers access our emergency management program via an online app to account for students and communicate with admin and first responders. Having the outdoor Wi-Fi helps ensure connectivity. Finally, most of our campuses have outdoor learning areas where students can work. Extending the Wi-Fi allows them to access the network.
Potential Location of Middle School #9?
Middle School #9 will be in the planned Mayfair development, located off I-35 north. This campus will provide relief for Canyon Middle School.
What is the breakdown of the work in Prop B:
The work at Canyon Lake High School includes complete removal and replacement of bleachers, press box, and ramps. Concrete work below the new bleachers and any new walkways. Also included is the removal and replacement of the lighting system and associated wiring as the existing lights will be in the way of the new bleachers. Work will be required to satisfy TCEQ requirements.
The work at Davenport High School includes the expansion of the bleachers, additional ramps, and additional concrete work related to the expansion.
The proposed field house budget makes up the majority of the prop B budget. Based on previous work done in the area, soil conditions will require substantial preparation and excavation and preparation of the existing soil and that the building be designed with a structured foundation and mud slab. This building will require substantial plumbing and HVAC work due to the number of showers and restrooms in the facility.
Also included in the project costs is a budget for furniture and equipment to fit out the building, as well as fees related to permitting, architectural and/or engineering design fees, soils testing, and materials testing during construction.
If the new bond is passed, what is the projection timeline of a new school to alleviate the growth of JRES?
The relief campus for JRES is projected to open in Aug. 2025.
On the bleacher replacement (for safety concerns) at CLHS, how many people can be accommodated in the current bleachers needing to be replaced, and how many seats will the new bleachers accommodate?
The current bleachers (home and visitors) hold approximately 3,500 spectators. The new bleachers will accommodate 5,000.
How will the 2023 Bond affect my taxes?
If approved, taxpayers in Comal ISD will not see a tax rate increase as a result of this bond.
If the bond election is passed, does the school district immediately incur the debt?
Will those 65 or older be impacted?
What is the difference between the Maintenance and Operations and the Debt Service tax revenue?
Why does the ballot say this will be a tax increase?
How can Comal ISD afford to issue bonds without an increase to the tax rate?
While property values have been going up, Comal ISD’s tax rate has been going down. In the last ten years, the Comal ISD tax rate has decreased by 17 cents. CISD is committed to continuing our legacy of fiscal responsibility by only acquiring debt that can be paid off with the current I&S tax rate of $0.35 so as to avoid placing any extra burden on taxpayers.
Why is there no other way to fund these projects?
What are the approximate property tax increases by each proposition individually and collectively?
There is no tax rate increase with this bond proposition, either collectively or individually. For there to have been a tax rate increase, the total amount of the bond propositions would have to surpass $650 million. That said, it is important to point out that appraisal value increases may impact an individual's tax bill, but that is separate from the tax rate, which is directly impacted by the bond.
If the money for the bond is not coming from increased taxes, where is the money coming from to pay for them?
The current tax rate that is dedicated to paying off bonded debt is $0.35. This tax rate has been at $0.35 since 2014, during which time the district has passed three elections in 2015, 2017 and 2021. This $0.35 tax rate will generate enough revenue to not only continue to pay for bonded debt from the previous bond issues but will also pay for the bonds related to this election.
Who is eligible to vote in this election?
What is I'm new to the community and not yet registered to vote?
How do I know if I'm registered?
I thought all athletic projects had to be in a separate proposition. Why are some of them in Prop A this time?
Why are armed securities not one of the security measures?
The sample ballots state that these propositions are a property tax increase but literature states there is not a rate increase. How will this effect my taxes
Do you vote for one of the propositions? Or can you vote for all?
Are there any specific security updates designated for SVHS? If so, what are they?
- Access Control: CLHS, STZES
- Fencing: DHS, PHS, PRMS, STZES
- Public address system refresh: Multiple locations
- Outdoor cameras: Multiple Locations
- Door hardware replacement (Non-Classroom): Multiple locations
- Emergency Operations Center
- Video intercoms at the main entry and food service
- Video surveillance system
- Active threat notification system
- Intrusion detection upgrades
Where is the potential location for elementary school #21 (relief for BBES)
How can this not increase our taxes?