Boundary Changes 2022 » GRES & MES Attendance Boundary Proposed Changes

GRES & MES Attendance Boundary Proposed Changes

In December 2022, GRES and MES parents received the opportunity to provide their feedback on the proposed boundary changes during the Dec. 14 community forum. As part of the forum, parents asked questions and gave us feedback on the proposed boundary map. Those not available for the community forum received the same opportunity via an emailed survey, a link on the campuses' websites, and social media channels. 

Below we have posted the final proposed boundary change that will go to the Comal ISD board of trustees for final approval on January 26. Note that the map didn't change from the first presented map. If you have any questions about the proposed attendance boundaries, please submit them on the feedback form using the link below. 

Proposed Boundary Map  

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, families will be able to attend an open house at the campus prior to Meet the Teacher. Open house dates will be communicated to the public further into the semester.  
We will not offer a grandfather option for students at the elementary level. Our grandfathering process begins at the secondary level.