Based on the recommendations of the Comal Forward committee, Comal ISD Board of Trustees on Feb. 15 approved an order calling for a $634,659,847 bond election to be held on Saturday, May 6, 2023 to address the needs of the district. If approved by voters, this bond will not increase the tax rate.
The bond proposal will be presented to voters in three separate ballot propositions:

Proposition A will address continued district growth in the way of three new elementary schools to provide capacity relief to Bill Brown, Johnson Ranch, and Oak Creek and Freiheit Elementary Schools, and a new middle school to relieve Canyon Middle School. Also funded by Proposition A is a new Life Bridges campus, a program designed to educate young adults with disabilities to increase independence in family and community settings.
In addition, more than $17 million of the proposition will fund safety and security projects throughout the district. Other projects funded from Proposition A include capital projects at existing campuses that support student programs, facility infrastructure projects such as roofs and HVAC systems to maintain the operational integrity of the campuses, buses to replace aging units, and land for future schools.
Proposition B will address stadium safety improvements at Canyon Lake High School. The current stadium bleacher configuration only has one exit point, creating an issue when there is a need to evacuate spectators due to lighting or other emergencies. New bleachers will have multiple exit points making evacuations safer.
The other project funded by Proposition B is a bleacher expansion and fieldhouse at Davenport High School. The campus, which has seen higher than expected enrollment since it opened in 2020, was designed to have the fieldhouse added as student participation in the various programs grew at Davenport. With the addition of the fieldhouse, space currently being utilized inside the main building for athletics will be freed for non-athletic use, such as ROTC and academic classes.
Proposition C will fund the purchase of student learning devices, classroom audiovisual equipment, Wi-Fi expansion, and Wide Area Network (WAN) infrastructure across the district.