Special Education Staff » Staff List

Staff List

Michele Martella Executive Director (830) 221-2096 Email
Shanie Bowers Director (830) 221-2088 Email
COORDINATORS Telephone Email
Carolina Ferrell Special Education Coordinator - Elementary Schools (830) 221-2172 Email
Becky Gieringer Special Education Coordinator - Secondary Schools (830) 221-2047 Email
Brooke Simmons Coordinator for Psychological Services (830) 221-2024 Email
Jordan Unsworth Coordinator for Behavioral Services (830) 221-2185  
Cindie Walker Special Education Coordinator - Transition/Life Bridges (830) 221-2639 Email
SPECIALISTS Telephone Email
Robin Fox Assistive Technology/Low Incidence Disabilities Specialist (Secondary) (830) 221-2078 Email
Stephanie Almond Assistive Technology/Low Incidence Disabilities Specialist (Elementary) (830) 221-3119  
Lisa Humphrey Instructional Specialist (Elementary) (830) 221-3130 Email
Nicola Mundschau Instructional Specialist (Elementary)  (830) 221-3129 Email
Lindsey Lott Behavior Specialist (Secondary) (830) 221-2631 Email
Chelsea Long Behavior Specialist (Secondary) (830) 221-2186 Email
Margarita Kelly Behavior Specialist    
Heather Van Houten Assistive Technology Specialist/Lead Speech Therapist                       (830) 221-2128 Email
De'Ana Brock ARD Facilitator at Goodwin-Frazier ES (830) 221-2235 [email protected]
ARD Facilitator at Mountain Valley ES (830) 221-9512
Clancy Dunn ARD Facilitator at Garden Rridge ES (830) 837-7072 [email protected]
ARD Facilitator at Johnson Ranch ES (830) 885-8660
Niki Kelly ARD Facilitator at Freiheit ES (830) 221-2712 [email protected]
ARD Facilitator at Oak Creek ES (830) 837-7229
Shondalyn McIntyre ARD Facilitator (MH Specht ES) (830) 885-1582 [email protected]
Kristen Mckanna ARD Facilitator at Timberwood Park ES (830) 885-8534 [email protected]
ARD Facilitator at Rahe Bulverde ES (830)885-1612
SUPPORT STAFF Telephone Email
Janice Rose Senior Associate (830) 221-2088 Email
Shauna Coody Accounting Associate (Medicaid) (830) 221-2056 [email protected]
Alyssa Reaves Accounting Associate (Medicaid) (830) 221-2119 Email
Debbie Jacobs Special Education (SERS) Inventory Associate (830) 221-2042 Email
Veronica Prieto SpEd PEIMS Data Management & Records (830) 221-2103 Email
Courtney Garcia SpEd PEIMS Data Management & Records (830) 221-2624 Email
HS Lead SpEd Specialists Telephone Email
LuAn Jonas HS Team Lead ~ Canyon HS   [email protected]
Daniel Lancaster HS Team Lead ~ Canyon Lake HS   [email protected]
Brittney Lanehart HS Tean Lead ~ Smithson Valley HS   [email protected]
Board Certified Behavior Analyst/Elem Behavior Specialist (i-TEAM) Telephone Email
Georgia Joudah Behavior Specialist (Elementary) (830) 221-2641 [email protected]
Jennifer Kinchen Board Certified Behavior Analyst (830) 221-2640 [email protected]
OPEN Behavior Specialist (Elementary)  (830) 221-2642  
Emily McKinney Board Certified Behavior Analyst (830) 221-2196 [email protected]
ITINERANT STAFF ~ Homebound Teachers (HBD) Telephone Email
Sylvia Al-Manakhi SS – Homebound Teacher (830) 221-2605 [email protected]
Jenevieve Hazel SS – Homebound Teacher (830) 221-2162 [email protected]
Juliana Palmer SS – Homebound Teacher TBA [email protected]
Dwight Schneider SS – Homebound Teacher (830) 221-2161 [email protected]
Monica Bowman SS – Physical Therapist (Team Lead) (830) 221-2149 [email protected]
Tammie Hruzek SS – Physical Therapy Assistant                                                                                                        (830) 221-2155 [email protected]
Heather Christine SS - Physical Therapy Assistant                                                                        (830) 221-2140 [email protected]
Stephanie Allison SS - Occupational Therapist (830) 221-2643 [email protected]
Amanda Dunn SS - Occupational Therapist (830) 221-2131 [email protected]
Judy Frankson SS - Occupational Therapist (part-time) (830) 221-2135 [email protected]
Cynthia Gordon SS - Occupational Therapist (part-time) (830) 221-2173 [email protected]
Jodie McCue SS – Occupational Therapist (830) 221-2095 [email protected]
Lindsey Saathoff SS – Occupational Therapist (830) 221-2160 [email protected]
Stacee Satcher SS - Occupational Therapist (830) 221-2645 [email protected]
Amy Shea SS - Occupational Therapist (part-time) N/A [email protected]
Karen Hocher SS – Teacher of AI Students (830) 221-2144 [email protected]
Marty Leavitt SS - Teacher of AI Students (830) 221-2167 [email protected]
Barbara Talamantez SS - Teacher of AI Students (part-time) (830) 221-2132 [email protected]
Elizabeth "Beth" White SS - Teacher of AI Students (830) 221-2150 [email protected]
Anna Folsom SS - Teacher of VI Students (830) 221-2603 [email protected]
Jennifer Reboulet SS – Teacher of VI Students (830) 221-2156 [email protected]
Aimee Sholund SS - Teacher of VI Students (830) 221-2163 [email protected]
Tina Trulove SS - Teacher of VI Students BBES/ GRES [email protected]
Efran Moreno SS - Orientation & Mobility   [email protected]
Leslie Anderson SS – Adaptive PE Teacher (830) 221-2171 [email protected]
OPEN SS – Adaptive PE Teacher (830) 221-2171