Departments » Health Services » A Guide to the Nurse's Office

A Guide to the Nurse's Office

Immunization rules, Illnesses and Medications at a Glance: 

Students are required by the Texas Department of State Health Services to be up to date in their childhood immunizations. No student will be allowed to enter school until these requirements are met. For new students to Comal ISD, you will be required to show proof of these immunizations. For returning students please be aware that a notice will go home with your student when immunizations are due. Please be prompt in complying with immunization request. For a list of immunizations required by grade please see information HERE OR see your campus school nurse.                                 


  1. A parent’s signature is required for all medications (prescription and non-prescription/over the counter) which are needed at school. For prescription medications taken longer than 10 school days, a physician’s signature is required as well.  All medication authorizations should be renewed yearly.
  2. Medication authorization forms are located on each campus in the nurse’s office and on our website at:
  3. All medications are to be brought into school by an adult and in its original container or prescription bottle. For prescription medications, please request your pharmacist to separate the prescriptions into two bottles, one for school and one for home.
  4. Students are NOT allowed to have medications in their possession on school grounds unless prior authorization was made with your campus nurse or principal. If your child has an asthma inhaler, diabetic supplies, or an Epi-pen please see your campus nurse to discuss your child’s health plan.
  5. It is important that the school nurse be aware of your child’s medical needs/conditions. For your child’s safety, please make sure you discuss these with your child’s school nurse.


  • Students with fever of 100.0 (per Texas Administrative Code §97.7(b)) or higher, or any signs/symptoms of any communicable disease chart according to the DSHS Communicable Disease Chart will be sent home from school in order to prevent the spread of illnesses to other students as mandated by the Texas State Health Services.  
  • Students who are ill with vomiting or diarrhea should stay home from school for 24 hours and return only when these symptoms have resolved without medications. Exclusion periods will be decided on a case by case basis by the campus nurse, with direction from DSHS and the district medical consultant. If your child is not feeling well, please keep them home. While we want students in school, we also must help prevent the spread of common childhood illnesses, so let's work together to make school a safe, healthy place for all.


It is critical that we have parent/guardian’s updated phone numbers. Please contact the school immediately with any changes in phone numbers. We recommend parent/guardians identify a relative, neighbor, or family friend that can be an emergency contact in case a child needs to be picked up urgently and the parent can not be reached. 

Standing Orders: