Departments » Child Nutrition » Meals, Smart Snacks, & A La Carte Pricing

Meals, Smart Snacks, & A La Carte Pricing

School Meals at CISD
A Registered Dietitian plans all menus offered in the cafeteria and meets the nutritional guidelines set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).  When students consume a complete, reimbursable breakfast, they receive ¼ of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for their age for the day. When a student consumes the full, reimbursable lunch, they receive 1/3 of the RDA’s for their age for the day. 


What is included in a school breakfast meal?

  • At a minimum, a breakfast meal consists of at least three items; one must be a fruit. At maximum, students can select up to five food items: an entrée (protein + grain or two grains), two fruits or fruit + 100% fruit juice, and milk.
  • Per state regulation, Pre-K students receive a set plate of fruit, 1% milk, and a choice of entrée.



What is included in a school lunch meal?
  • At a minimum, a lunch meal consists of at least three components; one must be a fruit or vegetables. At maximum, students can select all the food components: 1 entrée (protein + grain), up to 2 fruits, up to 2 vegetables, and one milk.
  • Per state regulation, Pre-K students receive a set plate of vegetables, fruit, 1% milk, and a choice of entrée.
Smart Snacks
Comal ISD only sells smart snack-compliant snacks, beverages, or ice creams. Smart Snacks Standards are a federal requirement for all snack foods sold at schools. The snacks that are available for sale at Comal ISD schools is provided below (products may vary from campus to campus)
Elementary A La Carte Pricing Middle School A La Carte Pricing
High School A La Carte Pricing