College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) » CCMR Focus Group

CCMR Focus Group

In January 2024, Comal ISD convened a College, Career, and Military Ready (CCMR) Strategic Planning Committee. The purpose of this committee is to assist the district in developing a five-year strategic plan; collaborate across priority design focus areas to ensure an aligned plan; and draft the district’s Objectives, Measures, & Action Steps to move the CCMR program. The plan will be recommended to the Board of Trustees on April 25, 2024.
The committee consists of approximately 47 stakeholders representing district and campus leadership, community and industry partners, institutes of higher education, and students. 
The mission of the College, Career, Military Readiness Department is to develop high-quality and rigorous experiences that support and empower students in developing skills and talents that will prepare them for postsecondary success.
The meetings will be hosted on the following dates:
  • January 22 
  • February 5
  • February 20 
  • March 4 
  • March 25

Committee Meeting Presentations: