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December 2024
(DHS - Girls Golf) Wolves @ TBA
8 AM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS - Boys & Girls Golf) Rangers @ River Crossing Golf Course
8 AM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(DHS - Boys & Girls Tennis) Wolves @ Clemens
9 AM
(SCUCISD Stadium)
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
Class Pictures & Individual Pictures
8 AM
1 PM
Morningside ES
PTA Board Meeting
9 AM
10 AM
Hoffmann Lane ES
(SVHS) Class Plays Showcase
6 PM
7 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys Basketball) Cougars @ Seguin HS
6:30 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CHS - Girls Basketball) Cougarettes vs Champion HS
6:30 PM
(Cougar Den)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks @ Ingram Moore HS
6:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks vs Blanco HS
6:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) Wolves @ San Marcos HS
6:30 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Boys Basketball) Warriors @ Kerrville Tivy HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(PHS - Girls Basketball) Warriors vs Kerrville Tivy HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers @ Alamo Heights HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers vs Alamo Heights HS
7 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(DHS - Girls Wrestling) Wolves vs Austin Anderson HS
5 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(DHS - Boys Wrestling) Wolves vs Austin Anderson HS
6 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS) Class Plays Showcase
6 PM
7 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS -Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougars@ LaVernia HS
6:30 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CHS - Girls Basketball) Cougarettes vs Jimmy K Classic (TBA)
(Cougar Den)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks @ TBA
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers @ Georgetown HS (TBA)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers @ Jack Frost Tournament (TBA)
(Georgetown HS)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers@ Madison HS
10:30 AM
(Canyon HS - Cougar Den)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) Wolves @ Antonian HS
12 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers @ Canyon HS
3 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS) Class Plays Showcase
6 PM
7 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CLHS - Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving) Hawks @ SWISD Invitational (TBA)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks @ TBA
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers @ Jack Frost Tournament (TBA)
(Georgetown HS)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Comal Speaks Final
(Support Services - Board Room)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Danville MS
Mountain Valley MS
(SVHS - Boys & Girls Swimming) Rangers@ TISCA
7 AM
(Blossom Athletic Center)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougars & Cougarettes @ Maverick Stampede
9 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(DHS - Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving) Wolves @ Southwest HS
10 AM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers @ A&M Consolidated
12 PM
(Canyon HS - Cougar Den)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) Wolves @ New Braunfels
1:30 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
Pictures with Santa
4 PM
7 PM
Morningside ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) Wolves @ Boerne Champion HS
4:30 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS) Class Plays Showcase
6 PM
7 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Family Movie Night
6 PM
7:30 PM
Morningside ES
(PHS - Boys Basketball) Warriors vs Buda Johnson HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(PHS - Girls Basketball) Warriors @ San Marcos HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(CHS - Girls Basketball) Cougarettes @ San Marcos HS
7 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(PHS) Holiday Dance Showcase
7 PM
8 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
Reading Rally Literacy Tour
9:30 PM
10:30 PM
Clear Spring ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks @ TBA
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers @ Jack Frost Tournament (TBA)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Pearl Harbor Day
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Danville MS
Freiheit ES
Garden Ridge ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
Indian Springs ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Morningside ES
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rahe Bulverde ES
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Boys & Girls Swimming) Rangers @ TISCA
7 AM
(Blossom Athletic Stadium)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougars & Cougarettes @ Maverick Stampede
9 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(DHS - Boys Wrestling) Wolves @ Ranger Round Up
9 AM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Rangers @ Clarkson Classic
9 AM
(Ranger Wrestling Room)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Breakfast with Santa
9 AM
11 AM
Timberwood Park ES
(DHS - Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving) Wolves @ Southwest HS
10 AM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
Pancakes with Santa
10 AM
2 PM
Clear Spring ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) Wolves @ Churchill HS
10:30 AM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers vs Rouse HS
12 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Football) Rangers @ Flour Bluff HS
2 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys Golf) Cougars @ Fair Oaks Golf Course
8 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(MVMS) Choir Holiday Concert
6 PM
7 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks @ Burnet HS
6:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks @ Marion HS
6:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) wolves vs Randolph HS
6:30 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Boys Basketball) Warriors vs Veterans Memorial
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(PHS - Girls Basketball) Warriors @ Veterans Memorial
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers vs Boerne HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS) Holiday Choir Concert
6:30 PM
8 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys Basketball) Cougars @ Clark HS
7 PM
(Northside ISD)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CHS - Girls Basketball) Cougarettes vs Steele HS
7 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(PHS) Orchestra Holiday Concert
7 PM
8 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers @ Boerne HS
7 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Winter Extravaganza
5 PM
6:30 PM
(Cafeteria, gym and hallways)
Clear Spring ES
Winter Fine Arts Showcase
5 PM
6:30 PM
Rebecca Creek ES
(SVHS) A Holiday Dream - Theater Performance
6 PM
7 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougars vs Long Creek HS
6:30 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CLHS) Choir Concert
7 PM
8:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks @ TBA
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving) Cougars @ New Braunfels HS
4 PM
(Das Rec)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(SVHS) Piano Christmas Recitals
6 PM
8 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CLHS) Winter Theater Performance
7 PM
9 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(MVMS) Dance Holiday Show
7 PM
8:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS - Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving) Hawks @ Friday 13th Spooky Outdoor Invitational (TBA)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks @ TBA
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
Comal Shake Semi-Finals
(Support Services - Board Room)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Garden Ridge ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
Indian Springs ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Morningside ES
Mountain Valley ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Boys & Girls Swimming) Rangers @ Davenport HS
9 AM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(DHS - Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving) Wolves vs Friday the 13th Spooky Outdoor Invite
10 AM
Danville MS
Timberwood Park ES
Roper Leader Lunch
10:30 AM
1 PM
Johnson Ranch ES
(CHS - Boys Soccer) Cougars vs Hays HS
5 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks @ Bastrop HS
6:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(PHS - Boys Basketball) Warriors @ Smithson Valley HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(PHS - Girls Basketball) Warriors vs Smithson Valley HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers @ Pieper HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Girls Soccer) Cougarettes @ Boerne HS
7 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CLHS - Girls Soccer) Hawks @ Pieper HS
7 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS) Winter Theater Performance
7 PM
9 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers vs Pieper HS
7 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Girls Soccer) Rangers vs O'Connor HS
7:15 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CLHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks @ TBA
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougars @ Iron Tiger Duals Invitational
9 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(DHS - Boys Wrestling) Wolves @ Pin-A-Palooza
9 AM
(Cedar Park HS)
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Rangers @ Pin-A-Palooza
9 AM
(Cedar Park HS)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Pancake Breakfast
9 AM
11 AM
Freiheit ES
(PHS - Boys Soccer) Warriors vs Roosevelt HS
11:30 AM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
7th Grade Boys Basketball Game
5 PM
7:30 PM
Danville MS
(CLHS) Piano Recital
6:30 PM
8 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(SVHS - Boys Soccer) Rangers vs Roosevelt HS
7 PM
(Ranger Stadium)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Girls Soccer) Cougarettes vs Connor HS
7:15 PM
(Cougar Stadium)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CHMS) Fine Arts Winter Showcase
5 AM
7:45 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(MVMS) Orchestra Winter Concert
6 PM
7 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
3rd Grade Program
6 PM
7 PM
Garden Ridge ES
4th Grade Performance
6 PM
7 PM
Bill Brown ES
(CLHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks @ John F Kennedy SA
6:15 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CHS - Girls Basketball) Cougarettes vs Cedar Creek HS
6:30 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks vs Randolph HS
6:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) Wolves @ Cuero HS
6:30 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Boys Basketball) Warriors vs Boerne Champion HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Timberwood Park ES
(PHS - Girls Basketball) Warriors @ Boerne Champion HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers @ New Braunfels HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers vs New Braunfels HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS) Band Holiday Concert
6:30 PM
10 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys Soccer) Cougars vs Davenport HS
6:45 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(DHS - Boys Soccer) Wolves @ Canyon HS
6:45 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Boys Soccer) Warriors vs Johnson HS
6:45 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(CLHS - Boys Soccer) Hawks vs Seguin HS
7 PM
(Hawk Stadium)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(DHS - Girls Soccer) Wolves vs Pieper HS
7 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Girls Soccer) Warriors @ Davenport HS
7:15 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Girls Soccer) Rangers vs Warren HS
7:15 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
TMEA Region Band Clinic/Concert (Open to the Public)
7:30 PM
10:15 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys Basketball) Cougars vs Carizzo Springs
8 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
Den Celebration
7:35 AM
8 AM
Garden Ridge ES
Rise High Awards - Classroom Student of the Month (ECSE/Pegasus - 2nd Grade)
7:45 AM
8:30 AM
Freiheit ES
Winter Wonderland
8 AM
2:50 PM
Bill Brown ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving) Cougars @ SAISD Invite #3
9 AM
(SA Natatorium)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(DHS - Boys Wrestling) Wolves @ LaVernia HS
5 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
Board of Trustees Meeting
6 PM
(Board Room)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Danville MS
Freiheit ES
Garden Ridge ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
Indian Springs ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Morningside ES
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rahe Bulverde ES
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
Timberwood Park ES
3rd Grade Musical
6:30 PM
7 PM
Freiheit ES
Classroom Christmas Celebrations
7:45 AM
11:15 AM
Garden Ridge ES
Rise High Awards - Classroom Student of the Month (3rd - 5th Grade)
7:45 AM
8:30 AM
Freiheit ES
Winter Parties
8:35 AM
2:55 PM
Timberwood Park ES
(PHS - Boys Soccer) Warriors @ Southwest HS
4 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(CLHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks vs Marble Falls HS
4:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(DHS - Girls Soccer) Wolves @ LaVernia
6 PM
(Lago Vista HS)
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) Wolves @ Poth HS
6:30 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Boys Basketball) Warriors @ Alamo Heights HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(PHS - Girls Basketball) Warriors vs Alamo Heights HS
6:30 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers vs Wagner HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Boys Soccer) Rangers @ Taft HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers @ Wagner HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys Basketball) Cougars vs Buda Johnson HS
7 PM
(Cougar Den)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CHS - Girls Basketball) Cougarettes @ Johnson HS (Hays CISD)
7 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(DHS - Boys Soccer) Wolves vs New Braunfels HS
7 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Girls Soccer) Warriors vs Canyon Lake HS
7:15 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Girls Soccer) Rangers @ Clemens HS
7:15 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks vs South San Antonio HS
7:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
1st Day of Winter
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Danville MS
Freiheit ES
Garden Ridge ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
Indian Springs ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Morningside ES
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rahe Bulverde ES
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
Timberwood Park ES
(DHS - Boys Wrestling) Wolves @ Hill Country Classic
8 AM
(Vista Ridge HS)
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougars @ Doc Hess Invitationals
9 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(SVHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Rangers @ Hill Country Invitational
9 AM
(Vista Ridge HS)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Boys Soccer) Rangers @ Churchill HS
12:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
(PHS) Boys Soccer) Warriors @ Fox Tech
10 AM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(CHS - Girls Soccer) Cougarettes @ Warren HS
10:30 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks @ Gonzales HS
7 PM
(Gonzales Apache Stadium)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers vs Kerrville Tivy HS
11:30 AM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(PHS - Girls Basketball) Warriors @ Boerne HS
12 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Boys Soccer) Rangers vs Clark HS
12 PM
(Ranger Stadium)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers @ Kerrville Tivy HS
12:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(PHS - Boys Basketball) Warriors vs Boerne HS
1 PM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
School Board Recognition Month
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Danville MS
Freiheit ES
Garden Ridge ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
Indian Springs ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Morningside ES
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rahe Bulverde ES
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
Timberwood Park ES
(CHS - Girls Soccer) Cougarettes @ TBA
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
(CLHS - Boys Soccer) Hawks @ IDEA South Flores
10 AM
(Seguin HS)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(PHS - Boys Soccer) Warriors @ TBA
10 AM
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(SVHS - Girls Soccer) Rangers vs Ranger Classic
11 AM
(Ranger Stadium)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CLHS - Girls Soccer) Hawks vs China Springs HS
3 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(DHS - Girls Soccer) Wolves @ Brazosport
3 PM
(Steele HS)
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(CHS - Boys Soccer) Cougars @ Glenn HS
6 PM
(Seguin HS)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(DHS - Boys Soccer) Wolves @ Frisco Panther Creek
6 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Girls Soccer) Warriors @ TBA
7:15 PM
(Clemens (SCUCISD Stadium))
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(CHS - Girls Soccer) Cougarettes @ TBA
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(SVHS - Girls Soccer) Rangers vs Ranger Classic (TBA)
(Ranger Stadium)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
(SVHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Rangers @ CFISD Invitational
8 AM
(Berry Center)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CLHS - Girls Soccer) Hawks vs Valley View HS
8:30 AM
(Hawk Stadium)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougars @ Allen Outlaw
9 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(PHS - Boys Soccer) Warriors @ TBA
10 AM
(Alamo Heights HS)
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(DHS - Boys Wrestling) Wolves @ Centex Invitational
11:30 AM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(CLHS - Boys Soccer) Hawks @ Steele HS
12 PM
(Seguin HS)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CLHS - Boys Basketball) Hawks vs SA Cole
12:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(DHS - Girls Basketball) Wolves vs Bandera HS
12:30 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(SVHS - Boys Basketball) Rangers vs Veterans Memorial HS
1 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(HS - Girls Soccer) Wolves @ Del Rio HS
3 PM
(Steele HS)
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(DHS - Boys Soccer) Wolves @ Bridgeport HS
4 PM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(CLHS - Girls Soccer) Hawks vs Sealy HS
4:50 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(CHS - Boys Soccer) Cougars @ Wimberley HS
6 PM
(Seguin HS)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CLHS - Girls Basketball) Hawks @ Fredericksburg HS
6:30 PM
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(SVHS - Girls Basketball) Rangers @ Veterans Memorial HS
6:30 PM
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
(CHS - Boys Basketball) Cougars @ Clemens HS
7 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CHS - Girls Basketball) Cougarettes vs Clemens HS
7 PM
(Cougar Den)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(PHS - Girls Soccer) Warriors @ TBA
7:15 PM
(Clemens (SCUCISD Stadium))
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(CHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougarettes @ Allen Outlaw
9 PM
(Allen HS)
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(CHS - Girls Soccer) Cougarettes @ TBA
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
Morningside ES
(CLHS - Girls Soccer) Hawks vs TBA
(Hawk Stadium)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(SVHS - Girls Soccer) Rangers vs Ranger Classic (TBA)
(Ranger Stadium)
Arlon Seay ES
Bill Brown ES
Johnson Ranch ES
Rahe Bulverde ES
Christmas Break
Mountain Valley MS
(CHS - Boys & Girls Wrestling) Cougars @ Allen Outlaw
9 AM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(DHS - Boys Soccer) Wolves @ Frisco Emerson
9 AM
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(DHS - Boys Wrestling) Wolves @ Centex Invitational
9 AM
(Delco Center)
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(PHS - Boys Soccer) Warriors @ TBA
10 AM
(Alamo Heights HS)
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES
(CLHS - Boys Soccer) Hawks @ Iowa Colony
12 PM
(Seguin HS)
Mountain Valley ES
Mountain Valley MS
Rebecca Creek ES
Startzville ES
(DHS - Girls Soccer) Wolves @ Lee HS
1 PM
(Clemens HS)
Danville MS
Garden Ridge ES
Morningside ES
(CHS - Boys Soccer) Cougars @ Seguin HS
6 PM
Canyon MS
Church Hill MS
Clear Spring ES
Freiheit ES
Hoffmann Lane ES
(PHS - Girls Soccer) Warriors @ TBA
7:15 PM
(Clemens (SCUCISD))
Indian Springs ES
Kinder Ranch ES
Timberwood Park ES